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  • Vanshika

5 Things You Can Plan In Office To Boost Your Employees' Morale

Sometimes monotonous routines become dull and die the spirits of your employees. The workplace should not be all about work... work... and work. It should be fun and exciting.

"A study by BrightHR found that employees who have fun at work are less likely to take sick days and more likely to report feeling creative at work and committed to their organization."

So, if you want to retain your employees and increase their productivity, then here are a few things you can do.

1) Movie

Take your employees to a movie screening once in a while. It does not have to be every week, but once every two months. It will help your employees in getting to know each other and enjoy a small break from work.

2) Games

Once a week, you can include a games day in your schedule. Keep simple games such as trivia night or Pictionary on your office premises and let your employees enjoy each other's company. Games such as trivia night are not just fun, but also increase mental ability.

3) Occasional gifts

Give small gifts to your employees on occasions such as, birthdays, Diwali, Holi, etc. A small gesture towards them will make them feel valued at the company. A gift could include anything like a personalized diary, a small office desk plant, chocolates, etc.

4) Awards

Organize a monthly 'employee of the month' award, which is likely to boost the morale of employees. But make sure that it does not increase unhealthy competition in the workplace. Recognize the efforts of employees as and when possible.

5) Other activities

Organize interesting activities like what would you do if you were a boss for a day. Give them tasks that will let them explore their inner-self.

Productivity increases when fun and work go hand-in-hand. A monotonous routine becomes boring after a few days. So, make sure to include fun and laughter whenever it is possible at your workplace.

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