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Back to Office After a Big Break


The pandemic is almost over, and society is back to its routine life. Curfews have been lifted from many countries, and offices have started working full fledge once again.

During Covid-induced Lockdown people learned the art of balancing work and personal life while working from the comfort of the house. On the humorous side, most people have also learned to deal with household chores in between meetings, isn't it? Wearing pajamas all day was a heaven-like feeling. But now the struggle is real - to wake up on the alarm, wearing the formals, getting stuck in the traffic, and finally sitting all day long in the office's chair.

So here are a few tips to help you get back to your office routine easily.

1) Talk

It has been a long time since you chatted with your colleagues and discussed the recent headlines in the break. Go for a tea break with your employees, chat, share, and discuss the stories of lockdown. Make sure to tighten those loose connections due to the big break.

2) Plan

Don't rush to do everything at once. Work out a plan that includes all aspects of your life i.e. social, personal, professional, physical, and mental. Make sure to keep your day filled with activities that would enhance all these aspects rather than just focus on the professional aspect.

3) Me-time

Lockdown has given us a lot of me-time along with managing the professional frontier. Keep that me-time reserved even after lockdown. Me-time is very necessary to keep oneself motivated and sane. Keep one hobby or thing that you love the most reserved for yourself.

4) Be flexible

We all knew that lockdown was going to end some, and getting back to normal routine was necessary. So, stop being frustrated about it and accept the reality. The more you will crib about going to the office, the more you will affect your mental health.

Do one thing at a time and focus on all the dynamics of oneself. Enjoy getting back to normal life fully.

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